Peanut butter and Chocolate…homemade Apple pie…a great new hair cut…or the perfect song…this is how strongly Maddie LOVES Baby Einstein’s Old McDonald DVD…she literally screams following me around the house until I put it on for her…she watches it…she dances to it…she sways to it…she screams to it…and she talks to it…she loves everything about this video…I am glad she is so passionate and that she is starting to discover her likes an dislikes…however, we may have to get another flat screen just for her…I know that video’s are not great for development…BUT she was in the hospital…I put it on…and since then it has been a hard habit to break…she likes to eat to it…wake up to it…I bet if she did not get so excited about it she would even sleep to it…Maddie is very sick right now…she is coughing, aching, crying, running a fever and her nose is on consistent over flow…so Maddie is getting anything she wants…another habit to break cream and cheetos for dinner…