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Hi my name is Kim and I am a recovering bigot and ignorant sole…once was the day I agreed abortion was a woman choice…sole choice…once was ...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What is up!

Summer has been more then BUSY for us...planes, trains, long long car rides...preschool...I have mixed feeling about how Maddie's first school experience went...the transition of us leaving her was more difficult then I imagined...the letting go and trusting others was forced...and Maddie gained a bit through this experience she learned to say goodbye with a waive...she learned we would comeback to get her...and she got to know her teacher...a routine was established...I am feeling better about the new school year...but there is a but...I was able to observe Maddie while she was at school...I was watching her outside lining up to come in from recess...Maddie was not paying attention watching the other kiddos...the boy next to her was much bigger then her and she just could not help touching him then she pushed him with one hand...he did not moved so she decided to push him with two hands till he fell to the ground! Then she was satisfied and said "there" turned around and stood in line...although I was proud of her persistence and not being afraid of a larger child...I was surprised by her naughtiness and the lack of displine by her teachers...there were 3 teachers there and instead of telling her not to push, touch and say sorry...they ignored it...not a big deal...yeah it kind of is...Maddie is a pint sized bully...she will tackle others and pull hair...so I have to be on her consistanly to hopefully change these behaviors...when I brought it up to her teachers...they went back to her size and cuteness...I just asked them to be more consistent with her discipline and self control issues...while I was obseving another time her one on ones was not paying attention to her...so Maddie was staring at her and purposely putting things in her mouth...then when the teacher noticed she would take the items from Maddie tell her yucky and resume the conversation with the other teacher...this happened 3 more times...I was just expecting more...again I mentioned something and was explained it was summer so it was less structured...not what I was wanting to hear...then I begin to question...does Maddie need more...I have to rely on what people tell me about Maddie her behavior and what they think she is getting out of a particular expeicne...the teacher tried to give me highlights of what Maddie did, experienced, and learned...but I still think she needs more...of course Maddie will take the bus to school in the fall...of course she will attend school 4 days a week...and of course she will receive extra therapies...but will it be enough...how will I know if Maddie is getting enough attention...enough of the "more"...the highlight of school...Maddie found a friend...he is a few months older then her...they hold hands...they found each other and the friendship was not forced...they slide together and sit together...she does not push him...and did I mention he also carries a little extra!


  1. Being a parent of a kid with a little something extra is definitely challenging. When do you speak up? When do you step back? When do you go get more? How do you know what is enough? Questions that run through my head all the time, and I am starting to think always will. I have found with Renee I am more relaxed...but with Kristen I have to be on top of everything all the time because others, even the most well intentioned others, are not. Those behaviors are the trickiest too...that is what we have been working in the past three years at at school with Kristen. You will figure it out as a parent though...what you want for Maddie...what works best for Maddie...and it will work out. I am so glad she found a buddy...that is fun!

  2. Good. For. You!!!!!! I'm so glad you said something to the teachers. We have had to do that many times in the past, and occasionally still, but not so much. Summer school is definitely more loosey-goosey. Don't let that be an indicator of what the regular school year will be like - you should see much more structure then. We get the "oh, she's so cute!" when Samantha should be disciplined for something, but nowadays we just get that from peripheral people (like substitutes, etc.), rather than her regular teachers. That is totally unhelpful. LOL Just keep on doing what you're doing! Hooray for school!

  3. Yes, so glad you said something. They never would have let a "typical" child do that. Why do they treat our kids different, they have to learn to behave just like any other child. Lucas is the same way though, he is figuring out what he can and can't do and discipline is a must! Glad the transition went well though. We start back in September, hopefully Lucas will pick up where he left off!

  4. Stay on top of those teachers, Momma! You know best. Yes they have experience and alot to offer but when it comes to Maddie you are the expert. Thanks for sharing these snippets with us, I appreciate it so much as we are embarking on three in January.

  5. Emily starts school in about a week and I am really nervous! I am so glad Maddie found a friend, that is one of the things I am looking forward to the most for Emily, and I hope she does find one!

  6. Not gonna lie, I'm a little worried Sutter's going to have some of the same issues when he starts school...he does naughty things to get attention and then most people think it's "cute" or him being "funny"! I have to remind my family and friends all the time that if he's acting out he needs to be disciplined just like the other kids would...I'm hoping I don't have to fight that battle at school too! I'm so glad Maddie found a friend and even one that she doesn't beat up! LOL I'm sure once the real school year starts they will have more structure and she will get "more"...if not I have no doubt that you will ensure she does! :)
